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The Maltese Cardiac Society (MCS) was founded in September 2007 and became a member
of the European Society of Cardiology in 2008. In 2012, MCS satisfied the legal requirements
necessary to be invited by the Department of Health Malta to take up its position on the
Maltese Specialist Accreditation Committee. In May 2024, the Society was formally enrolled
as a Voluntary Organisation with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations of Malta

Mission Statement

 To advance the knowledge of cardiovascular diseases in Malta
 To organise postgraduate educational activities and to encourage the provision of a
high standard of cardiology teaching and training
 To conduct, direct, encourage, support or provide for cardiovascular research
 To diffuse information on matters related to cardiovascular medicine through
publications and other media and hold such meetings as may assist the objectives of
the Society
 To join, liaise, affiliate, register with other local, national, regional or international
bodies that will further the aims of the Society
 To promote and maintain high professional standards and ethics
 To pursue such other activities as are deemed to be necessary/consonant with the
aims of the Society

Board members (2023 – 2025)

President: Dr Maryanne Caruana
Vice-president: Dr Alex Borg
Honorary Secretary: Dr Mark Sammut
Honorary Treasurer: Dr Philip Dingli
Academic Registrar: Dr John Bonello
Research and Innovation Officer : Dr Alice May Moore
Public Relations Officer : Dr Tiziana Felice


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